The Culture Shift Theory of Change was created to show how cultural inventions can pave the way for culture shift. Investing in cultural strategy is how we win. To ensure this was a movement-wide collaborative process, we assembled various organizations engaged in  reproductive justice work who have used and are using culture shift strategies to organize and mobilize audiences.  


Culture shift means changing the values, beliefs and behaviors that are readily accepted and  understood as the norm. Examples include: normalization of personal pronouns or changing  from a “pro-choice” framework to highlighting abortion rights. 


"Intentional actions that challenge and disrupt the dominant power structures of the status quo.  The goal is to respond to the immediate needs of the community in order to move them to action  while offering healing." - Monica Simpson 

Cultural interventions include works of art like murals, performance art, or music. They are also  events i.e. rallies, flash mobs, concerts or parties to raise awareness of issues. They can be  instant, as in rapid response, or they can be longer-range strategic activities including hashtags  or billboard campaigns.  

Cultural interventions have a long history in movement building and social justice. For  generations, creatives have been asserting that art is a force to be reckoned with in generating  change in the face of oppression. Their cultural contributions in books, interviews and songs are  reborn daily on social media inspiring new generations. Amplifying arts and culture within our  movements is a path to victory. 

Culture transcends the most impervious borders and barriers, and  it’s time that we elevate creatives as an indispensable part of our movement. Without  investment for culture shift and cultural interventions, we will continue to play defense to well funded and diabolical right wing strategists who manipulate the basest human emotions - hatred  and fear - to promote patriarchal political agendas

Want to read the Culture Shift Collective’s Theory of Change? Click the link now!